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Let me introduce myself

I always loved listening to country music, when during a festival I noticed that this music is also very well suited for dancing ! What a pleasure ! So I started country dance – without restriction !


Since 2001 I practise country line-dance . In 2007 I started to give dancing lessons in the surroundings of Grenoble, and we founded our own country dance club, « applejacks38 », in September 2009.

Little by little this passion for country music led me to choreograph some of my favourite titles, allowing me to slip some of my favorite steps into my dances like for exemple “applejacks”. That’s why I baptised my first choreography "Easy apple jack ". This dance has even been performed during a big event in Paris in January 2009.


Country dance can be performed by everyone, allowing for enriching encounters thanks to the diversity of dancers. I am therefore always happy to communicate and exchange around this passion!

Beginners or advanced, everybody can have the pleasure of expressing himself and blossom out across dance.


It would be a pleasure for me to share the dance floor next to you!

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